A MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROLWhat better way to start this adventure than with the Muppets? This mixture of muppets and humans, most notably the great Michael Caine, is pitch perfect on so many levels. Sure, there are some Muppet additions (“Having a Heat Wave”, for example), but for the most part this is a very faithful adaptation of the story. They’ve added Dickens (Gonzo) as the narrator, and given him a sidekick in Rizzo the Rat. “Light the lamp, not the rat. Light the lamp, not the rat” and “thank you for making me a part of this” are classic lines not found in Dickens’ original text. And the Ghost of Christmas Present doesn’t have any tough love for Scrooge. But these are quibbles.

The Belle scenes are great, and heartbreaking. Miss Piggy is very funny as Mrs. Cratchit, but she also breaks your heart in the future scene after Tiny Tim has passed. Most of the Muppets are used at some point, which is great for fans. And Fozziwig played by the great Fozzy the Bear. And then there are the musical numbers that add to the whole.

Truly a movie for the whole family, A MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL is a great way to start the challenge. What Muppet use do you think is the most inspired? Fozziwig? Sam the Eagle? Emily Cratchit?

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Stephanie T says:

    An excellent choice to begin the Christmas Carol journey. As Fozzie Bear will always be a favorite, I think his appearance as Fozziwig in the movie is the bestus!


  2. Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie) says:

    🙂 We LOVE this movie at our house – it’s one of our holiday traditions. This year, we watched it the day after Thanksgiving … and then my daughter asked to watch it again the next morning. You just can’t have too many Muppets!

    My favorite part by far is the banter btwn Gonzo and Rizzo … so much fun!


  3. Ruth Polleys says:

    My loves the Muppets! (As my nephew Christopher said it, lo’ those many years ago.)


  4. Julie Hyzy says:

    We love The Muppet Christmas Carol at our house. The kids grew up on it — so much so that it was a revelation to them to learn that in the original there is only *one* Marley! LOL


    1. jahennrikus says:

      It is such a great version. And my nieces had trouble with the one Marley idea as well. Did you notice the brothers are Jacob and Robert (aka Bob) Marley. Love the levels of this version.


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